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On the Hunt

I am on the hunt for my glasses. I'm on the hunt for software. I'm on the hunt for the hum in my speakers.

I am on the hunt for my novel. I am on the hunt for travel. I'm on the hunt for a DVD.

I'm on the hunt for money. I am on the hunt for meaning. I'm on the hunt for the moment I was born.

I'm on the hunt for hunting. I'm on the hunt for hunters. I'm on the hunt. I'm on the hunt. I'm on the hunt.

You're on the hunt. We're on the hunt. They're on the hunt.

"We've got U.S. forces on the hunt for bin Laden."

They're on the hunt. We're still hunting.

Hunting him. We are hunting Osama.

Thank God we are hunting Osama. We are hunting and hunting and hunting. We are hunting for Osama bin Laden.


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I don't know why this made me hear "Hungry Like the Wolf."

Bin Laden's probably in Washington. Last place anyone'd think of looking...

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